Thursday, June 28, 2012

How Can You Achieve and Attest to Meaningful Use?

In order to qualify for the Medicare EHR Incentive, you have to attest that each Eligible Provider (EP) meets the Meaningful Use requirements. The two key issues are how can you get a provider to work up to the MU Measure Requirements and how can you document the same for your Eligible Providers.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

How does Your EHR Calculate Meaningful Use Measures?

In order to support Meaningful Use (MU) attestation, you need supporting documentation for each measure by Eligible Provider (EP).  The reports from you EHR will be the reference point for documenting your compliance with many MU Measures.  However, the MU measure calculations can dramatically different from EHR to EHR.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

How Does Stage 2 Meaningful Use Relate to Stage 1?

Your Meaningful Use (MU) Strategy will have a significant impact on your ability to avoid extra work and disruption to your operation.  One of the most important issues to consider in your EHR and MU strategy is the Proposed Stage 2 MU Measures.  The proposed  Stage 2 Measures provide important insights into what you should choose as your Stage 1 Menu Items and even your EHR product and implementation plan

This following table presents the Stage 1 and 2 Measures in a way that will help you analyze the effect of Stage 2 on MU and focus your strategy to avoid problems: